DVD-Amtrak CabRide Volume-2 (2 Disc Set)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
This over 5.5 hour long 2-Disc Set will take you on a cab-ride aboard an Amtrak locomotive from Harrisburg PA. to Pittsburgh -- dispatcher, automated hot box and dragging equipment detectors and more...
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DVD-Big Boy 4014 West
Recent Release “Big Boy 4014 West”, covers the first runs of the newly restored locomotive from Cheyenne, Wyoming as it travels to Ogden, Utah over several days...
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DVD-Canadian Rails in the Thousand Islands 1999
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Camera of Tim Hosey We capture CN, CP, and VIA action in the Thousand Islands region of Eastern Ontario on a pleasant Labour Day weekend in 1999...
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DVD-Cincinnati Shortlines Pt4 (Cincinnati East Terminal Railway)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release HD Camera of Brian Sellers In volume-4 of our Cincinnati Shortlines Series, we’ll cover the Cincinnati East Terminal Railway along Norfolk Southern’s former Cincinnati District to Portsmouth, Ohio...
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DVD-CJW Marion Ohio (HotSpot)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Marion Ohio, one of the most popular train-watching locations in Ohio and in the U.S. - See trains from Norfolk Southern and CSX as they pass through on three separate mainlines that all converge at Marion Union Station...
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DVD-CJW Tour of NS vol-11 (Chicago Line)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release We'll cross the state of Ohio from west to east, taking in trains along Norfolk Southern's Chicago Line, Huntington District, Cleveland District, and Cleveland Lines...
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DVD-CJW Tour of NS vol-12 (Pittsburgh Line)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
From videographer Chris Wehman, we take a look at exciting Norfolk Southern action in the state of Pennsylvania. We'll see trains all over the Pittsburgh line, with most of our focus concentrated between Altoona and Johnstown...
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DVD-CN on the IC
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
4K Cameras of Steve Neff & Jay Byrd
Green Frog revisits the former Illinois Central Mainline of Mid-America. Today the Canadian National is the new owner of this line that reaches from Chicago to New Orleans. Our coverage on this program will begin at Homewood (Chicago) and end at Cairo Illinois...
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DVD-Fallen Flags In The 90s-Vol8
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Fascinating train action in the 1990’s - depicts the before and after train action of the Grand Trunk, the Indiana & Ohio, and the pre and post merger split of Conrail. All kinds of Fallen Flag locomotive power is shown...
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DVD-Henry Fords DT&I RR
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
A unique and fascinating documentary featuring Henry Ford’s movies of the Detroit Toledo & Ironton Railroad...
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DVD-Hot Rails Through Coal Country-1 (The Elkhorn Grade)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release The Pocahontas Division is well known for its steep grades and heavy trains. Travel over the mountains and through the valleys of West Virginia for a tour of Norfolk Southern's Elkhorn Grade...
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DVD-Illinois Junctions Vol-2
- from Greg Scholl Video Productions Illinois Junctions 2 continues the tradition of Illinois Junctions as we visit several locations in this state known for its rail activity...
2 Hours!
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$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
From the camera of John Venning
Trains on the Standard Gauge lines North & South of Adelaide Australia, from December 2016 to March 2017. Inter-modal, double stacks, grain and ore trains, Much more...Available on DVD Format Only
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$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
From the camera of John Venning
Volume-42 continues the series showing trains on the Standard Gauge lines north & south of Adelaide from March to July 2017. Intermodal with double stacks, grain and ore trains and GSR passenger trains, Much more...Available on DVD Format Only
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$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Camera of John Venning New
Volume 43 continues the series showing trains on the Standard Gauge lines north & south of Adelaide from June to Sept 2017. Intermodal, double stacks, grain and ore trains, the Overland, and more...Available on DVD Format Only
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DVD-Midwest Trains of the 90's (Volume-2)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Railroads Include: UP, Santa Fe, SP, NS, TRRA, BN, Gateway Eastern, Gateway Western, CN, GT, C&NW, Conrail, CSX, Amtrak, and more…
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DVD-NS Dayton District Pt-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release See many interesting trains such as the Ringling Bros. Circus Train, the NS Office Car Special, the Lebanon and Mason OH. excursion train, and freight trains with NS Heritage Units in the power consists...
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DVD-NS Pocahontas Vol-1 (Buchanan Branch)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Norfolk Southern's Buchanan Branch is a major coal contributor and hosts the largest coal producer on the division, Coal trains, Helper action, Coal Facilities and more...
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DVD-Ohio Steam Spectacular
from Greg Scholl Video Productions Exciting Steam action awaits you as 4-8-4 #6325 & 4-6-2 #1293 put on a Great show on various Photo Specials in 2002...
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DVD-Pennsylvania Railroad-Remastered
$29.98 $19.48 On Sale!
Beginning in the summer of 1952, Emery Gulash began capturing prolific amounts of activity on the Pennsylvania RR on color 16mm film...
Remastered to HD
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DVD-Postwar Steam Pt-6 (50s & 60s)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Featuring 1950s and early 60s Steam & Historical preserved Steam Railways New York & Long Branch RR - Edaville RR - East Broad Top RR - Reading Company - Steamtown - Penn Central...
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DVD-TD Central KY. Rail Journeys (Danville Days) Vol-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Camera of Tony Dobbs
Yard action, road freights, crew changes, refueling, a variety of motive power and paint schemes, coal trains and more...
DVD Format Only
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DVD-TD Kentuckiana Rail Journeys-1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
From the camera of Tony Dobbs Fascinating railroad operation, yard action, switching & servicing, maintenance of way work, pacing & mainline operations…
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DVD-TD Louisville & Indiana RR (vol3)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
From the camera of Tony Dobbs In volume-3 of the Louisville and Indiana Railroad series we concentrate on the southern terminus of the line in Jeffersonville Indiana, and across the Ohio river to it's final destination of Louisville, Ky...
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DVD-Twilight of Classic Traction (1930s & 1940s)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Public Service of New Jersey--Lehigh Valley Transit--Third Avenue Elevated--Streetcars in New York City (1930s & 1940s)...
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DVD-Twilight of the New Haven RR (Electrics)
$29.98 $19.48 On Sale!
Recent The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad-See Electrics, Early Diesels and more-Plus 1960's Long Island RR...
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DVD-Western Rails (Discover the West)
from Greg Scholl Video Productions A fast-paced look at several different locations starting with the Mississippi River crossing, and stretching across many states to the west coast..something for everyone...
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Neff DVD-Bessemer & Lake Erie
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Produced in co-operation with the Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad in the Autumn of 1990...Operations between North Bessemer and Erie Pennsylvania, and Conneaut, Ohio...
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Neff DVD-NS Pocahontas Division
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
1989 look at Norfolk Southern’s rugged Pocahontas Division between Bluefield and Williamson, West Virginia....
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Package-BLURAY CJW TrackSideTravels
$34.98 $22.74 On Sale!
8 Programs in this BLURAY Collectors Set... Collection of 8 Mini Programs from our TrackSide Travels Video Series...
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To save time you can type in the search box, either a product name or product number or descriptive word! Here is a list of the latest Releases from Green Frog!