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Hosey_DVD_LIRailsVol1 DVD-Long Island Rails vol1 2019
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Camera of Tim Hosey
We capture action on the super busy Long Island Railroad at various locations on the system from February, thru early April 2019. M9 test trains, work trains, several New York & Atlantic freights & Much More...

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GSVP220_BLURAY_NWStmFrts Norfolk & Western Steam Freights BLURAY

- from Greg Scholl Video Productions
Big steam power--8mm color films from the collection of Warren W. Scholl highlight N&W steam freight operations primarily on the Cincinnati-Portsmouth line from 1954 to the end of steam in 1956...

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HO_KansasCityMid80s_Extra_DVD DVD-Kansas City Mid 80s & Extra East
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Two programs in one--Program-1 THREE TRIPS TO KANSAS CITY BETWEEN 1983 & 1985--BN, SP, MP,
C&NW, AT&SF, KCT, ICG, UP and more...

Program-2 Extra East--KJRY Alco #20, TP&W, AT&SF, SP - BN E-Units and more...

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OhioHotSpot_LeipsicJct_BLURAY BLURAY-CSX NS Ohio Hot Spot (Leipsic Jct. Diamond)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

4K Cameras of Steve Neff & Jay Byrd
On the north side of Leipsic Ohio we spend two days in May of 2019, we were rewarded with plenty of train action on both CSX and Norfolk Southern, includes many unique Aerial video shots and more...

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Focus_on_NS_2020_BLURAY GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Railfanning around West Georgia in the Winter of 2020. You’ll see many NS Trains including Double Stacks, Auto and Freight Trains. Bright colorful 4K photography including great morning fog shots taken in Austell, Georgia...

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Twilight_OriginalCalZephyr_BluRay BLURAY-Twilight of the Original California Zephyr
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Filmed in 1969 - The iconic “California Zephyr.” the famed scenic train running between Oakland, California, and Chicago over the Western Pacific, Denver and Rio Grande Western, and Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroads...

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Twilight_OriginalCalZephyr_DVD DVD-Twilight of the Original California Zephyr
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Filmed in 1969 - The iconic “California Zephyr.” the famed scenic train running between Oakland, California, and Chicago over the Western Pacific, Denver and Rio Grande Western, and Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroads...

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HO_Central_ILLRailfanning1988_DVD DVD HO-Central Illinois Railfanning-1988
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

C&N, Chicago Missouri & Western, Southern, Amtrak, N&W, Bloomer Line (including cab ride), BN (including E-Units), Blue Island - including; Soo Line, IHB, cabooses and more...

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Hosey_BluRay_TracksideParks BLURAY-Trackside Parks Along the Mainlines (NY & PA 2004)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Camera of Tim Hosey
Witness mainline action at a number of trackside parks. See CSX, Amtrak, and Metro North trains at numerous parks along the Hudson River in New York, NS trains at several parks around Allentown and Macungie Pa., as well as CSX/Amtrak trains at many parks in the Mohawk Valley in and around Amsterdam NY...

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GSVP121_DVD_Reflections DVD-Reflections

Recent Release - from Greg Scholl Video Productions
REFLECTIONS is a superb collection of railroad scenes taken over a l7-year span covering a multitude of subjects. The unique thing about this video is that each scene is a "Reflection" shot of some type, Including double images in rivers, ponds, lakes, puddles, and mirrors...

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HO_FallenFlags_1stGenDiesels_DVD DVD HO-Fallen Flags & First Generation Diesels
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Recent Release
See BRC Alcos, GM&0, LS&BC Baldwin, KJRY Alco S-2 #20 being jump started with a welder and flames coming out of the stack, Burlington Northern E-Units, TP&W, Chicago Missouri & Western, and more...

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GSVP131_DVD_RailIndustryFilms DVD-Rail Industry Films

- from Greg Scholl Video Productions
A collection of FOUR Classic company railroad 16mm films.
These classic programs depict various aspects of railroading, from the making of railroad parts to servicing the mighty New York Central Hudson steam locomotives...

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Neff_AmtrakCabride_vol2_BLURAY BLURAY Amtrak CabRide Volume-2 (2 Disc Set)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

This over 5.5 hour long 2-Disc Set will take you on a cab-ride aboard an Amtrak locomotive from Harrisburg PA. to Pittsburgh -- dispatcher, automated hot box and dragging equipment detectors and more...

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$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

A unique and fascinating documentary featuring Henry Ford’s movies of the Detroit Toledo & Ironton Railroad...

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GSVP218_BLURAY_ArkansasAlcos Arkansas Alcos BLURAY

- from Greg Scholl Video Productions
The Arkansas & Missouri Railroad began operations on September 1, 1986, action captured in April of 1988. A unique Railroad with its all ALCO fleet of diesel locomotives...

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CJW_BluRay_MarionHotspot BLURAY CJW Marion Ohio (HotSpot)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Marion Ohio, one of the most popular train-watching locations in Ohio and in the U.S. - See trains from Norfolk Southern and CSX as they pass through on three separate mainlines that all converge at Marion Union Station...

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GSVP051_DVD_ArkansasAlcos Arkansas Alcos DVD

- from Greg Scholl Video Productions
The Arkansas & Missouri Railroad began operations on September 1, 1986, action captured in April of 1988. A unique Railroad with its all ALCO fleet of diesel locomotives...

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GSVP130_DVD_AllAboardPotomacEagle DVD-All Aboard the Potomac Eagle

- from Greg Scholl Video Productions
RIDE ALONG for an unforgettable train trip in the wild mountains of West Virginia--Vintage 1950-era diesel locos power this scenic train along the South Branch of the Potomac River...

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GSVP126_DVD_RochelleDoubleTrackDiamonds DVD-Rochelle (Double Track Diamonds)

- from Greg Scholl Video Productions
Rochelle Illinois, one of the great train watching spots in America with the Union Pacific (Former CNW), and BNSF (former Burlington) crossing on a double-track diamond. Approximately 100 trains a day pass through here...

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GSVP026_DVD_ViaFsInTheRockies DVD-VIA F's In The Rockies

- from Greg Scholl Video Productions
May of 1986 FP7 and FP9’s are still in charge of the classic VIA Rail Passenger trains such as the “Canadian”, “Super Continental”, and “Skeena”. This was the last year the older F-units operated in the Canadian Rockies...

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GSVP3_DVD_VirginiaRails DVD-Virginia Rails (Hotspots)

from Greg Scholl Video Productions
Travel to the Commonwealth of Virginia in 2001, and visit two hot-spot locations north of Richmond along the CSX at Doswell and Ashland...

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CJW_BluRay_TourNS12 BLURAY CJW Tour of NS vol-12 (Pittsburgh Line)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

From videographer Chris Wehman, we take a look at exciting Norfolk Southern action in the state of Pennsylvania. We'll see trains all over the Pittsburgh line, with most of our focus concentrated between Altoona and Johnstown...

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GS_BLURAY_844EarlyYears BLURAY 844 Early Years

from Greg Scholl Video Productions
Union Pacific 4-8-4 number 844 was the last of the series built, and has never been retired from the railroad. This program takes you back to the early years as we see some of the first trips in 1960, and continue through the 1970’s...

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GS_BLURAY_BigBoy4014 BLURAY Big Boy 4014 West

Recent Release
“Big Boy 4014 West”, covers the first runs of the newly restored locomotive from Cheyenne, Wyoming as it travels to Ogden, Utah over several days...

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EBT_Remaster_BLURAY BLURAY East Broad Top RR (Remastered)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!


For over 25 years, noted railroad photographer Emery Gulash set about to record activities on the East Broad Top Railroad. His coverage starts in the early 50’s and begins well before the EBT was a tourist railroad...

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BluRay_Muncie_1999Remaster 1999 Muncie Hot Spot-BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

"HotSpot" in Muncie, Indiana during 1999 prior to and after the Conrail split between CSX & Norfolk Southern.

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Muncie_1999Remaster_DVD 1999 Muncie Hot Spot-DVD
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

"HotSpot" in Muncie, Indiana during 1999 prior to and after the Conrail split between CSX & Norfolk Southern.

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AA_BluRay_611OnSaluda AA-BLURAY 611 On Saluda
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!


October 25, 1992--On this perfect Sunday two giants would do battle as the 611 pulled its own 5-car train up the mighty 5% Saluda grade...

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AA_BluRay_MotorCars AA-BLURAY Motor Cars
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Take a ride in a personal railroad sports car and see what the Motor Car Hobby is all about...

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AA_BluRay_WelchNW AA-BLURAY Norfolk & Western Pocahontas Div. (Welch by N&W)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Recent Release
This production covers the Double Tracked Mainline from Bluefield to Iaeger - Pocahontas Division, Norfolk Southern Railway Co.

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