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Focus_on_NS_2020Vol5_BLURAY GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 Vol-5 BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

In Volume-5 of Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020…We mainly focus on trains in Austell Georgia, including Norfolk Southern, KCS, UP, BNSF, and Amtrak Crescent #19 & 20...we also cross paths with a few heritage Locos. Filmed with 4K HDR & HD, with Ultra High sound quality using Pro Mics...

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Hosey_DVD_ConrailPennsy95 DVD-Conrail in Pennsylvania 1995
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Recent Release!
Camera of Tim Hosey
Witness a dynamic Fallen Flag, Conrail, captured in 1995 at various locations on the Harrisburg Line and the Pittsburgh Line - also a brief visit to the East Broad Top - bonus action at Oakdale, NY on the Long Island Railroad...

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$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

A ton of exciting, varied and fast-paced action, hi-lighting some of the best of Norfolk Southern...Let's take a look at some of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.

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Focus_on_NS_2020Vol5_DVD GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 Vol-5 DVD
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

In Volume-5 of Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020…We mainly focus on trains in Austell Georgia, including Norfolk Southern, KCS, UP, BNSF, and Amtrak Crescent #19 & 20...we also cross paths with a few heritage Locos. Filmed with 4K HDR & HD, with Ultra High sound quality using Pro Mics...

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HO_SteamNSCollection_DVD DVD HO-Steam on the NS Collection (80s & 90s)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Starting in 1983 Roger Holmes has captured many steam locomotives riding on Norfolk Southern rails in the Midwest, namely the states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Missouri...Take a ride back into the 1980’s & 90’s with tons of runbys, some pacing, some on train, and cab rides...

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CJW_BestOfNS1_DVD DVD-CJW The Best of NS Vol-1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

A ton of exciting, varied and fast-paced action, hi-lighting some of the best of Norfolk Southern...Let's take a look at some of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.

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CJW_BestOfCsx1_BLURAY BLURAY CJW The Best of CSX Vol-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

A ton of exciting, varied and fast-paced action, hi-lighting some of the best of CSX...Let's take a look at some of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.

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GS_BLURAY_SantaChallenger BLURAY Santa's Challenger

from Greg Scholl Video Productions
Enjoy the largest active steam locomotive in the world as it powers the annual CSX Santa Claus train from Shelby Kentucky, to Kingsport Tennessee. The date was November 21, 1992...

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CJW_BestOfCSX1_DVD DVD-CJW The Best of CSX Vol-1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

A ton of exciting, varied and fast-paced action, hi-lighting some of the best of CSX...Let's take a look at some of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.

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Giulio_BluRay_MontrealRails BLURAY-Montreal Rails
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Camera of Giulio Castrataro
An action packed and scenic video tour over 2 hours, in and around the city of Montreal Canada - Familiar rail companies such as CN, CP, VIA rail and the AMT...

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FolkstonFunnel_2004Remaster_BLURAY The Folkston Funnel-2004 BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

In 2004, Terry Lewis & friends made a trip to Folkston Georgia, to check out the Folkston Funnel. The Folkston Funnel is a double track that serves as the main artery for railroad traffic into and out of Florida. Green Frog has Up-converted and Remastered this 2004 program.

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Hosey_BluRay_LIRailsVol2 BLURAY-Long Island Rails vol2 2019
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Camera of Tim Hosey
Volume-2 features more nonstop action such as an NY&A freight RS40 switching-high speed MU action at Pinelawn-Cold Spring Harbor-Mineola-Shuttle diesels and more-Freight and heavy passenger train action on the LI Railroad...

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Giulio_DVD_MontrealRails DVD-Montreal Rails
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Camera of Giulio Castrataro
An action packed and scenic video tour over 2 hours, in and around the city of Montreal Canada - Familiar rail companies such as CN, CP, VIA rail and the AMT...

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GS_DVD_SantaChallenger DVD-Santa's Challenger

from Greg Scholl Video Productions
Enjoy the largest active steam locomotive in the world as it powers the annual CSX Santa Claus train from Shelby Kentucky, to Kingsport Tennessee. The date was November 21, 1992...

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70sRR_Federle_BluRay BLURAY 70s Railroading (Cincinnati-Hamilton)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

1970s S8mm Film of Robert Federle - Featuring B&O / Chessie System, Penn Central, early Conrail and others -- Action at rail yards, such as Pit Yard-Armco, WR Tower-Storrs and Gest St. Yards - Bonus Videos and Slideshow...

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Hosey_DVD_LIRailsVol2 DVD-Long Island Rails vol2 2019
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Camera of Tim Hosey
Volume-2 features more nonstop action such as an NY&A freight RS40 switching-high speed MU action at Pinelawn-Cold Spring Harbor-Mineola-Shuttle diesels and more-Freight and heavy passenger train action on the LI Railroad...

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70sRR_Federle_DVD DVD-70s Railroading (Cincinnati-Hamilton)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

1970s S8mm Film of Robert Federle - Featuring B&O / Chessie System, Penn Central, early Conrail and others -- Action at rail yards, such as Pit Yard-Armco, WR Tower-Storrs and Gest St. Yards - Bonus Videos and Slideshow...

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HA_RochelleILL2_BLURAY BLURAY HA-Rochelle ILL (UP & BNSF Vol-2)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Continuation of UP & BNSF Rochelle, ILL. Volume-1 -- 2002 & 2003, You will see a large number and variety of runbys and train action on both of these mainline Roads...

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Levisa_BluRay_BLCMBuchanan BLURAY Branchlines & Coal Mines (NS Buchanan Branch)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

The busiest N&W branchline on the Pocahontas Division, Norfolk Southern's Buchanan Branch - Two years in the making, this program was filmed in all four seasons and all varieties of weather. See plenty of coal and coke trains, work trains, light power moves and much more...

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Focus_on_NS_2020Vol4_BLURAY GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 Vol-4 BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

In Volume-4 of Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020…
We’ll railfan in some familiar locations and catch a variety of trains and locomotives including Norfolk Southern, KCS, UP, BNSF, Amtrak, and catch the Illinois Terminal and Erie Heritage Units, filmed with 4K HDR & HD, with Ultra High sound quality using Pro Mics...

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$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Exciting 110 minute program in Virginia and West Virginia - variety of action from both NS and CSX, along with Amtrak, MARC, and VRE...

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Levisa_DVD_BLCMBuchanan DVD-Branchlines & Coal Mines (NS Buchanan Branch)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

The busiest N&W branchline on the Pocahontas Division, Norfolk Southern's Buchanan Branch - Two years in the making, this program was filmed in all four seasons and all varieties of weather. See plenty of coal and coke trains, work trains, light power moves and much more...

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Focus_on_NS_2020Vol4_DVD GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 Vol-4 DVD
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

In Volume-4 of Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020…
We’ll railfan in some familiar locations and catch a variety of trains and locomotives including Norfolk Southern, KCS, UP, BNSF, Amtrak, and catch the Illinois Terminal and Erie Heritage Units, filmed with 4K HDR & HD, with Ultra High sound quality using Pro Mics...

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AA_BluRay_ClinchfieldElkhornToErwin AA-BLURAY Former Clinchfield-North End (Elkhorn City to Erwin)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Follow the old Clinchfield line and travel from Elkhorn City, Kentucky - to Erwin, Tennessee. Coal trains, Coal facilities & operations, Switching operations, Mountain railroading, Bridges, Tunnels, Engine facilities, Cab rides, Runbys...

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SeanBodine_BD_PennsyHighlights2019 BLURAY-Pennsylvania Highlights 2019
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Camera of Sean Bodine
We travel to several different locations in the state of Pennsylvania, see freight from NS, the Acela, Amtrak, Septa - 611's visit to the Strasburg Railroad during the reunion of steam - Reading & Northern 425, and more...

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CJW_CSX_NS_VAWV_DVD DVD-CJW CSX & NS (Virginia & W. Virginia)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Exciting 110 minute program in Virginia and West Virginia - variety of action from both NS and CSX, along with Amtrak, MARC, and VRE...

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AA_DVD_ClinchfieldElkhornToErwin AA-DVD Former Clinchfield-North End (Elkhorn City to Erwin)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Follow the old Clinchfield line and travel from Elkhorn City, Kentucky - to Erwin, Tennessee. Coal trains, Coal facilities & operations, Switching operations, Mountain railroading, Bridges, Tunnels, Engine facilities, Cab rides, Runbys...

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Hosey_BluRay_LIRailsVol1 BLURAY-Long Island Rails vol1 2019
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Camera of Tim Hosey
We capture action on the super busy Long Island Railroad at various locations on the system from February, thru early April 2019. M9 test trains, work trains, several New York & Atlantic freights & Much More...

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AA_DVD_GreatSmokyMtnsRR AA-Great Smoky Mountains Railroad
$29.98 $19.49 On Sale!

THEY HAVE DONE THIS JUST ONE TIME - The Great Smoky Mountains Railroad ran their Steam Engine #1702 the full length of this 67 Mile, super scenic, N.C. Short line, the old SRy Murphy Branch...Trackside footage, Cab Rides, Tender top views...

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SeanBodine_DVD_PennsyHighlights2019 DVD-Pennsylvania Highlights 2019
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

Camera of Sean Bodine
We travel to several different locations in the state of Pennsylvania, see freight from NS, the Acela, Amtrak, Septa - 611's visit to the Strasburg Railroad during the reunion of steam - Reading & Northern 425, and more...

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