Santa Fe Odyssey-6 the 1990s Jenko-DVD
$32.98 $13.19 On Sale!
Recent Release!
(Two Disc Set) 2.9 Hours Collection of Dennis Jenko We make three visits to the spectacular Southwest in Volume-6...Highlights include visits to Abo Canyon before access was stopped, breathtaking Canyon Diablo, the Flagstaff area and much more...
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BLURAY-Hosey PRR - Altoona Railfest Excursions 2002
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Tim Hosey We capture heavy Norfolk Southern action around the Altoona, Pa. area during Altoona Railfest excursions in 2002...see Bennett Levin’s Pennsylvania Railroad E8’s...many NS freights with a huge variety of motive power including many still in Conrail blue, and Much More!
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Chicago Odyssey Volume-4 (1990s) Jenko-DVD
$32.98 $12.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Collection of Dennis Jenko - TWO DISC SET Another Epic Super action packed program, Tons of Classic fallen flag Chicagoland train action from the early 1990’s on this (two disc set)...
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the Midwest Pt-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Join Green Frog videographer Chris Wehman as we tour the Midwest -- Picking up where volume one left off, we spend time catching non-stop train action mostly on the super busy Norfolk Southern Chicago Line along with the CSX Garrett Subdivision in Indiana and Ohio...
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DVD-Hosey PRR - Altoona Railfest Excursions 2002
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Tim Hosey We capture heavy Norfolk Southern action around the Altoona, Pa. area during Altoona Railfest excursions in 2002...see Bennett Levin’s Pennsylvania Railroad E8’s...many NS freights with a huge variety of motive power including many still in Conrail blue, and Much More!
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AA-BLURAY Clinchfield, Santa & the 676
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista The 50th Anniversary of the Clinchfield/CSXT Santa Claus Special - Celebrating 49 years of tradition, we will see the 1992 running of the Santa Claus Special, featuring the Union Pacific Challenger #3985 disguised as Clinchfield #676...Tons of Runbys and great Train Action!
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DVD CJW NS & CSX in the Midwest Pt-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Join Green Frog videographer Chris Wehman as we tour the Midwest -- Picking up where volume one left off, we spend time catching non-stop train action mostly on the super busy Norfolk Southern Chicago Line along with the CSX Garrett Subdivision in Indiana and Ohio...
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BLURAY-Former Conrail Territory-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Sean Bodine In Volume-2 of Former Conrail Territory, we see more freight operations from Norfolk Southern, and CSX throughout New Jersey, and Pennsylvania...
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AA-DVD Clinchfield, Santa & the 676
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista The 50th Anniversary of the Clinchfield/CSXT Santa Claus Special - Celebrating 49 years of tradition, we will see the 1992 running of the Santa Claus Special, featuring the Union Pacific Challenger #3985 disguised as Clinchfield #676...Tons of Runbys and great Train Action!
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Chris Wehman continues his exploration in the southern part of the vast NS and CSX rail networks to capture trains in several states. Get ready to see all types of trains with locomotives from nearly every railroad in the country!
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DVD-Former Conrail Territory-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Sean Bodine In Volume-2 of Former Conrail Territory, we see more freight operations from Norfolk Southern, and CSX throughout New Jersey, and Pennsylvania...
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Neff BLURAY Conrail Buffalo Line-3
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Follows the Buffalo Line in certain spots from Renovo, Pennsylvania to Buffalo, New York - shot between 1996-1998 when Conrail was operating four scheduled daily trains...
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DVD-CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Chris Wehman continues his exploration in the southern part of the vast NS and CSX rail networks to capture trains in several states. Get ready to see all types of trains with locomotives from nearly every railroad in the country!
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BLURAY NS Through the Coalfields Vol-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! More Exciting action through Coal Country in Norfolk Southern's busy lines in Southern West Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, and Eastern Kentucky - Double stacks, Time Freights on the Pokey, Coal Trains along numerous Branch Lines...
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Neff DVD Conrail Buffalo Line-3
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Follows the Buffalo Line in certain spots from Renovo, Pennsylvania to Buffalo, New York - shot between 1996-1998 when Conrail was operating four scheduled daily trains...
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BLURAY-HA AMTRAK 1990s & Beyond
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! We go back in time to see AMTRAK starting in the 1990’s -- See trains 22, 21 “The Texas Eagle”, 303, 304, 305, 311 & 312, X2000 & the ICE Train and more...
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DVD-NS Through the Coalfields Vol-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! More Exciting action through Coal Country in Norfolk Southern's busy lines in Southern West Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, and Eastern Kentucky - Double stacks, Time Freights on the Pokey, Coal Trains along numerous Branch Lines...
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BLURAY-Hosey MWMP vol-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent release Camera of Tim Hosey Part 1 of a 2009 Autumn Midwestern Motive Power Odyssey. CSX, NS, CP, BNSF, Metra, and Amtrak at a variety of locations. Berea, Oh., Elkhart, In., Otis Hill in Indiana, and Metra/BNSF action. Autumn colors add spice to the scenes. Shot in October 2009...
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DVD-HA AMTRAK 1990s & Beyond
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! We go back in time to see AMTRAK starting in the 1990’s -- See trains 22, 21 “The Texas Eagle”, 303, 304, 305, 311 & 312, X2000 & the ICE Train and more...
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Neff BLURAY Conrail Mail-3 (Extended)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! This Remastered 2-Disc Set is an extended version of Cab Ride Mail-3. The program begins at South Kearny, NJ and ends at Harrisburg Yard. This program was made in cooperation with Consolidated Rail Corporation and was created in early 1998...
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DVD-Hosey MWMP vol-1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent release Camera of Tim Hosey Part 1 of a 2009 Autumn Midwestern Motive Power Odyssey. CSX, NS, CP, BNSF, Metra, and Amtrak at a variety of locations. Berea, Oh., Elkhart, In., Otis Hill in Indiana, and Metra/BNSF action. Autumn colors add spice to the scenes. Shot in October 2009...
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BLURAY-Cincinnati Shortlines Pt-5 (Central RR Company of Indiana)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent HD Camera of Brian Sellers In part-5 of our Cincinnati Shortlines series, we’ll cover the Central Railroad Company of Indiana’s CIND & Brookville Subs...we’ll see primarily freight traffic, Passenger trains, and a trip aboard an Ohio Rail Experience excursion...
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Neff DVD Conrail Mail-3 (Extended)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! This Remastered 2-Disc Set is an extended version of Cab Ride Mail-3. The program begins at South Kearny, NJ and ends at Harrisburg Yard. This program was made in cooperation with Consolidated Rail Corporation and was created in early 1998...
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Videographer Chris Wehman explores territory south of the Mason-Dixon line in NS and CSX in the Southeast, Part 1...beautiful scenery and exciting trains in this program!
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DVD-Cincinnati Shortlines Pt-5 (Central RR Company of Indiana)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent HD Camera of Brian Sellers In part-5 of our Cincinnati Shortlines series, we’ll cover the Central Railroad Company of Indiana’s CIND & Brookville Subs...we’ll see primarily freight traffic, Passenger trains, and a trip aboard an Ohio Rail Experience excursion...
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CNW Odyssey (Illinois 1990s) Jenko-BLURAY
$37.98 $14.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Collection of Dennis Jenko - TWO DISC SET A tribute to the CNW from one of its own - from 1990 to 1995 (including the 1993 flood detours) all motive power of the era is represented - Fast paced mainline action from locations such as Proviso, Bryn Mawr, Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Rochelle, Dekalb, Elburn, La fox, Geneva, West Chicago, Wheaton, Lombard, and Elmhurst...
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DVD- CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Videographer Chris Wehman explores territory south of the Mason-Dixon line in NS and CSX in the Southeast, Part 1...beautiful scenery and exciting trains in this program!
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BLURAY-Hosey NE Corridor NJ 2001
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Camera of Tim Hosey We start with a few CSX hotshots in Dumont/Haworth NJ on the River Line, the bulk of the action will be on the Amtrak Northeast Corridor in North Elizabeth and Elizabeth NJ., including the great railfan parking garage rooftop at Elizabeth where the famous S-curve is easily seen...Action filmed in 2001..
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CNW Odyssey (Illinois 1990s) Jenko-DVD
$32.98 $12.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Collection of Dennis Jenko - TWO DISC SET A tribute to the CNW from one of its own - from 1990 to 1995 (including the 1993 flood detours) all motive power of the era is represented - Fast paced mainline action from locations such as Proviso, Bryn Mawr, Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Rochelle, Dekalb, Elburn, La fox, Geneva, West Chicago, Wheaton, Lombard, and Elmhurst...
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the Midwest Pt-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From videographer Chris Wehman, This program features trains along the busy NS Chicago Line in Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana, along with scenes captured along various other NS and CSX lines in the area. Get ready for exciting lash-ups in a variety of weather, including lots of foreign road power...
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To save time you can type in the search box, either a product name or product number or descriptive word! Here is a list of the latest Releases from Green Frog!