We are pleased to provide this portal to other railroad related sites. If you have a site that you would like to have added, send your request to greenfrogproduct@bellsouth.net
Please include your preferred category listing and description.These sites are not associated with Green Frog Productions, and Green Frog Productions assumes no responsibility for their contents.
Links to Other Railroad Sites
Model Railroad Sites and others
Commercial Sites
- 123greetings.com We are a free e-cards site and have some very nice Toy Train related e-cards
- Abracadata Producer of software for model railroaders
- Albion Software Producer of Ship It! software for generating way bills, etc.
- American Models Manufacturer of S scale equipment
- Andromeda Research Manufactures an 8 speed range electronic transmission for your powerpak!
- Artsmagic Railway Videos A wide variety of videos, including steam trains, diesels, British & International trains, and model railways.
- Astertrains UK Midlands and surrounding counties Aster Dealer.
- Athearn One of the most prolific manufacturers of HO cars and locomotives
- Atlas Model Railroad Company On Line Catalog and Product Information
- Bay-com Live Steam meets-Video productions
- Barry Conn Canadian dealer selling Digitrax, Roco and Soundtraxx DCC as well as Atlas and Kato engines
- Blue Bay Inn The Blue Bay Inn is a 27 Room European Style Boutique Hotel located in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey USA which is right next to the historical Sandy Hook beach and a fast 30 minute Ferry Ride to Manhattan, New York.
- Rare Trains Get big savings on rare and collectible toy trains!
- Rail Way Stock Photos at Can Stock Photo Can Stock Photo has over 9,000 train and railway images. They offer professional royalty free stock photography at prices you can afford. Our high-quality images start at just $1.00, and our generous license agreement gives you the flexibility you need.
- Carstens Publications Railfan Magazine.
- Caboose Hobbies Now you don't have to go to Denver to be tempted
- Rapid Prototyping We are a rapid prototyping company concerning stereolithography(SLA), selective laser sintering(SLS), injection molding, urethane casting and fused deposition modeling(FDM).
- We can take CAD files and bring 3d models to reality (trains, train parts, etc…
- FunRecreation.com - Comprehensive Recreation Web Directory
- Firewall Appliance Cyberoam's hardware firewall appliance provides UTM and information security. This firewall appliance is affordable, centrally manageable and meets the security requirements of enterprises.
- Railroad Stock Photography at Foto Search
Foto Search Stock Photography allows users to search from more than 2 million images from 140 quality stock photography publishers at one site.
- HO Scale Model Railroad site Commercial HO scale model raillroad web site.
- Highrailer.com Your one stop shop for all your model railroad and hobby needs.
- HistoricRail.com – From books, videos, art, models and more, Historic Rail offers thousands of railroad-related products for railfans and modelers.
- Infront Ltd. We are the top UK Electronic Commerce company specialising in books and CD's
- J. M. Conrad Co. Railroad theme greeting cards and more
- J&L Trains J&L Trains offers Quality Model Trains, Toy Trains, Train Sets, RR Scenery, RR Accessories in all Scale Sizes
- Just Kits & Models--Plastic Kits - Plastic Model Kits UK - Plastic Aircraft Model, Plastic Vehicle Model, Plastic Model Ships
- Maharajas express india--Regale in the comfort and romance of luxury train in India aboard Maharajas’ Express, the only royal train to travel pan India. Know all about the train here.
- Models11.com--Importers of such fine model railroading lines as: Bachmann Branch Line, Graham Farish, Liliput, Preiser, Busch, Schuco, Faller, Vollmer, Kibri, Noch, Viessmann, Xuron Tools, Wiking and a variety of other product lines of interest to model railroaders.
- Corporate Stratagies, Inc. Prototype RR software and Trainmaster diesel simulator software (including demo)
- CybeRail Railroad related software
- Dave's Trains, Inc. Specializing in postwar Lionel trains and old trains from the Soviet Union.
- Digitrax, Inc. Digital Command Control Equipment (DCC)
- Discount Trains Online Model Railroading Hobby Shop
- DVD Webs A valuable DVD Directory and information resource
- FrogNirvana.com - Frog gifts, jewelry, clothing, fountains & tons of other frogs at Frog Nirvana.com
- Firebox Recordings Railroad recordings
- GE Capital Railcar Services Provides railcars and related services to shippers and Railroads.
- gatxrail The worlds largest tank car lessor-100 years old!
- Golden Chariot Train Information on Golden Chariot, a luxury train in Karnataka, India. Features its facilities, coaches, tariff, tour and route map.
- Hobby Shack Model catalog, FAQ, club listings and news, links to stores and manufacturers
- Inventive Media Productions Railfan and Other Special Interest Videos
- Industrial Scales - Digital Scale, Hanging Scale, Balance & Price Computing ScalesPenn Scale Mfg. Co. has been manufacturing digital scales, coffee scale, bakers scale, hanging & balance scales, and other Industrial and price computing scales which are durable, dependable and accurate line of scales and scoops.
- Just blowing smoke Nostalgic HO gauge model steam train passenger / baggage cars from America's Golden Steam Age of the 1930's-1940's.
- Kadee Quality Products Manufacturer of couplers, uncouplers, and now HO cars
- Kalmbach Publishing
- Loy's Toys Digitrax dealer
- Mainline Steam Trust Located in New Zealand, restores, rebuilds and operates New Zealand Railway Steam Locomotives.
SCREEN SAVER, AND FREE "How To Ride A Mechanical Bull" Video, Rent Mechanical Bull
- MicroScale Decals A leading manufacturer of model decals
- Micro-Mark ...The source for model building tools and supplies
- Mile Post 1 Dealer featuring books and videos
- MINIRAIL A switchlist generator for model railroads to enhance your operations
- Mitchell's Family Store Model Trains, Brass, Books & More in a Searchable Database
- Model Railroader Magazine
- Model Railways Scotland We Supply OO gauge, N gauge, HO gauge locomotives, train packs, trainsets, carriages, wagons, limited editions, collectables, accessories and scrapyard.
- Modellbahnstudio German model railroad retail shop (specializing in American prototype and narrow gauge), stocking Green Frog videos (in European PAL format by Steam Powered Video)
- Models Directory models related news, books and web resources
- Narrow Gauge & Shortline Gazette
- Orient Express Day Trips Enjoy a ride onboard the world famous Orient Express with thanksdarling.com
- PBL Premier producer of Sn3 brass and kits
- Piedmont Steam Supply Supplies and assembly aids (Loctite, etc.) to the small scale live steam community.
- Pufferbelly's of Waco Pufferbelly's provides new & pre-owned American Flyer,Lionel, Marx, American Models, and S-Helper Service toy train locomotives, rolling stock, accessories, track and track related items.
- Railroad Ties Railroad Ties Treated to Last for Generations
- PWP inventories the largest selection of treated hardwood and softwood ties on the west coast. Timbers are typically brought in by rail, incised and end-planted, air-seasoned, and then treated with choice of wood preservative
- Railfan Specialties Home of Garden Railway Gear
- Railway Engineering Turnouts (including narrow gauge), Track Gauges, Slow Motion Switch Machines, and more
- Ramtraxx DCC System Digital Command Control system
- Reynauld's Euro-Imports, Inc. U.S. importer of European trains, including the new DCC operating crane
- Roco European manufactuer of an extensive line of railroad products
- San Francisco Entertainment The one stop shop for Entertainment in the San Francisco area.
- Sandia Software Producer of CadRail and the Cumbres & Toltec CD-ROM
- Signal Computer Consultants Prototype RR software and Train Dispatcher computer game (including demo)
- Southern Digital Digitrax dealer, decoder installations, and special locomotive frames for N scale decoders
- Southern Steam Trains An exclusive dealer for Aster Gauge 1 Live Steam Locos
- Steam Locomotive Simulator A non comercial freeware program allowing users to specify their own locos and drive them over theie own routes.
- Timeless Hobbies An Internet hobby shop offering special deals
- Resource page for kids on trains--
- Train Signals TrainSignals.com
- tttrains' Train Shop Hobby Shop Home Page
- Villagepress Live Steam Magazine
- Village Depot Well stocked brass dealer, especially narrow gauge
- Walthers Check out what's in stock at Walthers
- WHITE BUS FAMILY PRODUCTIONS We have a series of 3 videos covering the recent restoration of the Rogers 2-4-2 K88 Steam Locomotive (built 1877 at Paterson, New Jersey, USA)
- Western Rail Products Manufacturer of lighting effects devices e.g., caboose flashing marker
Prototype Railroads, Museums, etc.
- American Association of Railroads Representing America's freight railroads and Amtrak
- American Rails Forums A family-friendly railfan community studying all aspects of American railroading both past and present.
- Amtrak Amtrak's Web Site
- Amtrak, Friends of The Friends of Amtrak site has the latest news and legislation
- Canadian National Canadian National's Home Page - in French and English
- Chicago's Metra Rail Metra Schedules and Information
- The Colorado Railroad Museum Standard and Narrow Gauge equipment, library, and bookstore
- Conrail Conrail's corporate page - system map, pictures, company profile
- CP Rail System CP Rail System's Home Page
- Cripple Creek Narrow Gauge Railroad Home page for this narrow gauge railroad in Colorado
- CSX Corportation CSX Corportation Home Page
- Erie Lakawanna Large site with pictures, rosters, text...
- Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Federal Railroad Administration Home Page
- General Electric Transportation Systems Complete listing and info on railroad and other transportation products
- Georgetown Loop Scenic Railroad Narrow gauge line between Georgetown and Silver Plume, Colorado
- International Railway Links
The most complete and up to date list of railway web
sites on the planet.
- Kansas City Southern KCS's web site
- Library of Congress - American Collection Photos and film have been divided into various groups. Extensive collection.
- Library of Congress - World Collection Photos and film have been divided into various groups - this one is mostly foreign. Extensive collection.
- Monon Railroad Monon Railroad web site
- Norfolk Southern Official web site for Norfolk Southern
- Pueblo Locomotive and Rail Historical Society Large equipment collection. Current project is restoration of ATSF 2912, a large 4-8-4.
- The Railroad Directory Annual directory of rail-related company's such as General Contractors, Repair Facilities, Major Component Rebuilders, Haz-Mat teams, and much more
- Trainjunkie A prototype locomotive picture gallery and portal to the Pensacola Model RR Club
- Railroad Maps University of Georgia Library maps, 1839 - 1925
- Railroad Maps USGS Maps at PARC
- Railroad.net Predominately short lines and photos
- The Railway Exchange Sales of railway equipment, training, and job listings
- RGS History Covering info & history of the R.G.S.
- Toy Train Depot Museum Home of America's National Park Ride Train Museum. We have preserved five MTC Park Ride Trains, including a very rare 12" Addison Train,
- open year round with 8,000 pieces of railroad memorabilia and operating layouts from Z to G.
- Ribbon Rail Productions Web site for railroad historical societies and museums
- Union Pacific Union Pacific Railroad Site - Job Postings & More
- USA by Rail A Guide Book providing practical info and tips from other travellers.
- VIA Canada's passenger train network
- Wisconson Central Railroad Unofficial web site for the Wisconson Central