BLURAY 4501 (Three Decades of Excursions)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Vintage action of No. 4501 pulling excursion trains through the heart of the south, as well as from Pittsburgh to Washington to Richmond... Remastered to HD
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BLURAY 60s Passenger Steam Electric
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
BLURAY - Re-Mastered on HD
Action galore of railroading in the 1960’s around Chicago’s south side. The railroads featured are: Wabash, Rock Island, Illinois Central, Santa Fe, much more...
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BLURAY California Zephyr (The Ultimate Fantrip)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Complete trip on the California Zephyr! Filmed in 1965, when the CZ was at it's ultimate... Remastered To 1080i HD...
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BLURAY Chicago Odyssey Vol-1 (Two Disc Set)
$37.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Fantastic Historic railroad action in Chicago...from the 1950's and 60's!
Remastered to HD
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BLURAY Chicago Odyssey Vol-2 (Two Disc Set)
$37.98 $13.99 On Sale!

Early 1962--In this Historic two disc set, we will see the end of individualized passenger service, and the beginnings of Amtrak..
Remastered to HD
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BLURAY Illinois Central
$37.98 $15.19 On Sale!
BLURAY--From the Camera's of Jerry Carson & Steve Neff 37 years of The Illinois Central; from steam to diesel. More than TWO AWESOME HOURS OF incredible train watching on this TWO DISC set!...16mm Color & B/W Film HD Digital Film Transfer--Plus Contemporary IC Footage from the Video Camera of Steve Neff, Up-Converted To HD...
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BLURAY Narrow Gauge Passenger Chase
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Remastered to HD Camera of Emery Gulash...In 1965, the last of the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club's tours of the Rio Grande narrow gauge took place. The club arranged for a passenger train trip from Alamosa to Silverton, on the Northern end...
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BLURAY NYC Odyssey Vol-1 (Two Disc Set)
$37.98 $13.99 On Sale!
16mm film footage in Detroit and the adjacent vicinity. Ohio, predominately Toledo, which is on the Central's MAIN main line... Remastered to HD
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BLURAY NYC Odyssey Vol-2 (Two Disc Set)
$37.98 $13.99 On Sale!
16mm film footage in Detroit and the adjacent vicinity. Ohio, predominately Toledo, which is on the Central's MAIN main line... Remastered to HD
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BluRay Penn Central vol1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Blu-Ray 1080i High Definition
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BluRay Penn Central vol2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Blu-Ray 1080i High Definition Volume 2 continues the action on Green Frog's extremely popular set of Penn Central. Action in this DVD covers the years 1971 and 1972...
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BluRay Penn Central vol3
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Blu-Ray 1080i High Definition
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BluRay Penn Central vol4
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Blu-Ray 1080i High Definition
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BluRay Penn Central vol5
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Blu-Ray 1080i High Definition
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BluRay Penn Central vol6
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Blu-Ray 1080i High Definition Long after the Consolidated Rail Corporation, Conrail for short, absorbed the Penn Central and six other railroads in the Northeast on April 1, 1976, many locomotives continued to ply the rails in Brunswick Green paint, or in the paint schemes of the Erie Lackawanna, Reading, Lehigh Valley, or other roads...
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