Neff DVD-NS Pocahontas Division
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
1989 look at Norfolk Southern’s rugged Pocahontas Division between Bluefield and Williamson, West Virginia....
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Neff DVD-Bessemer & Lake Erie
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Produced in co-operation with the Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad in the Autumn of 1990...Operations between North Bessemer and Erie Pennsylvania, and Conneaut, Ohio...
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Chicago Rails Special
$32.98 $21.44 On Sale!
4 Complete Programs
• Chicago Odyssey Volume-1 (Pt1 & Pt2) 15 railroads portrayed in Volume 1
• Chicago Odyssey Volume-2 (Pt1 & Pt2)
see the end of individualized passenger service, and the beginnings of Amtrak.
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DVD 4501 (Remastered from HD)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Vintage action of No. 4501 pulling excursion trains through the heart of the south, as well as from Pittsburgh to Washington to Richmond... Remastered from HD
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DVD California Zephyr (The Ultimate Fantrip)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Complete trip on the California Zephyr! Filmed in 1965, when the CZ was at it's ultimate... Remastered from HD!
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DVD Narrow Gauge Passenger Chase-Remastered
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Remastered from HD Camera of Emery Gulash...In 1965, the last of the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club's tours of the Rio Grande narrow gauge took place. The club arranged for a passenger train trip from Alamosa to Silverton, on the Northern end...
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DVD Rio Grande Odyssey-Remastered
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Remastered from HD Spectacular action on one of America's best loved railroads...The Rio Grande...Filmed in the 60’s and 70’s and early 80’s. The action starts with first generation E-Units and Geeps.
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DVD-50s Memories of the RGS
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
The 3-foot gauge D&RGW's Monarch Branch in 1949 - The posh San Juan Express hauled by #476 from Antonito, through Cumbres to Durango.
The Rocky Mountain Railroad Club's May 28-29, 1949, excursion on the Rio Grande Southern...Much More!
Re-Mastered, sharpened & color corrected from HD
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DVD-Chicago Odyssey vol1 (two disc set) Remastered
$32.98 $13.19 On Sale!
Fantastic Historic railroad action in Chicago...from the 1950's and 60's! Re-Mastered and Enhanced from HD and our original D-2 Broadcast Masters!!
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DVD-Chicago Odyssey vol2 (two disc set) Remastered
$32.98 $13.19 On Sale!
Early 1962--In this Historic two disc set, we will see the end of individualized passenger service, and the beginnings of Amtrak.. Re-Mastered and Enhanced from HD and our original D-2 Broadcast Masters!!
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DVD-Illinois Central-ReMastered
$37.98 $15.19 On Sale!
From the Camera's of Jerry Carson & Steve Neff--Re-Mastered From HD
37 years of The Illinois Central; from steam to diesel. More than TWO AWESOME HOURS OF incredible train watching on this TWO DISC set!...16mm Color & B/W Film HD Digital Film Transfer--Plus Contemporary IC Footage from the Video Camera of Steve Neff...
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DVD-Michigan Fast Freight (Re-Mastered)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
1967 action on C&O, DT&I, Pennsy, Santa Fe, N&W, New York Central, Grand Trunk, and DT&SL in Michigan...
Remastered from HD
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DVD-NYC Odyssey vol1 (two disc set) Remastered
$32.98 $13.19 On Sale!
16mm film footage in Detroit and the adjacent vicinity. Ohio, predominately Toledo, which is on the Central's MAIN main line... Re-Mastered and Enhanced from HD and our original D-2 Broadcast Masters!!
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DVD-NYC Odyssey vol2 (two disc set) Remastered
$32.98 $13.19 On Sale!
Continuation of NYC Volume-1 starting in the summer of 1963. The transition to the Cigar Band Herald--New jumbo Hi-Cube cars--piggyback service with highway trailers on flat cars... Re-Mastered and Enhanced from HD and our original D-2 Broadcast Masters!!
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DVD-Penn Central vol1-(two disc set)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
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