BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-4
$34.98 $19.98 On Sale!
BRAND NEW! We tour the southeastern United States - see plenty of NS and CSX action, along with several of the NS heritage units, older EMD leaders, and western foreign power!
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GF-Norfolk Southern Freight Trains BLURAY (E. end District & Atl N. District)
$36.98 $22.19 On Sale!
Brand NEW! (Disc-1) East End District - Travel with Green Frog on the Norfolk Southern line from Irondale, AL. to Austell, GA...
(Disc-2) Atlanta North District - See Heritage Units, a welded rail work train, tons of NS Freight run by’s, bridge shots, mixed freights, auto trains, double stacks and foreign power...
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DVD-CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-4
$29.98 $16.98 On Sale!
BRAND NEW! We tour the southeastern United States - see plenty of NS and CSX action, along with several of the NS heritage units, older EMD leaders, and western foreign power!
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GF-Norfolk Southern Freight Trains DVD (E. end District & Atl N. District)
$31.98 $19.19 On Sale!
Brand NEW! (Disc-1) East End District - Travel with Green Frog on the Norfolk Southern line from Irondale, AL. to Austell, GA...
(Disc-2) Atlanta North District - See Heritage Units, a welded rail work train, tons of NS Freight run by’s, bridge shots, mixed freights, auto trains, double stacks and foreign power...
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Chris Wehman continues his exploration in the southern part of the vast NS and CSX rail networks to capture trains in several states. Get ready to see all types of trains with locomotives from nearly every railroad in the country!
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Videographer Chris Wehman explores territory south of the Mason-Dixon line in NS and CSX in the Southeast, Part 1...beautiful scenery and exciting trains in this program!
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DVD-CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Chris Wehman continues his exploration in the southern part of the vast NS and CSX rail networks to capture trains in several states. Get ready to see all types of trains with locomotives from nearly every railroad in the country!
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GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Railfanning around West Georgia in the Winter of 2020. You’ll see many NS Trains including Double Stacks, Auto and Freight Trains. Bright colorful 4K photography including great morning fog shots taken in Austell, Georgia...
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DVD- CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Videographer Chris Wehman explores territory south of the Mason-Dixon line in NS and CSX in the Southeast, Part 1...beautiful scenery and exciting trains in this program!
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GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 DVD
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Railfanning around West Georgia in the Winter of 2020. You’ll see many NS Trains including Double Stacks, Auto and Freight Trains. Bright colorful 4K photography including great morning fog shots taken in Austell, Georgia...
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BLURAY TD Kentuckiana Rail Journeys-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
From the camera of Tony Dobbs Fascinating railroad operation, yard action, switching & servicing, maintenance of way work, pacing & mainline operations…
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DVD-TD Kentuckiana Rail Journeys-1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
From the camera of Tony Dobbs Fascinating railroad operation, yard action, switching & servicing, maintenance of way work, pacing & mainline operations…
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BLURAY McEwen-MusicCityRails
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
From the High Definition Camera of Thomas McEwen we capture the sights and sounds of locomotive power thundering through Nashville, Tennessee...
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BLURAY McEwen-Railfan Adventures vol1 (Trains around KY. & TN.)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
From the High Definition Camera of Thomas McEwen In this series we will follow along side of cameraman Thomas McEwen as he tours the southeast capturing the sights and sounds of trains polishing the rails on their way to destinations all over the US....
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BluRay Tom Rock 70s & 80s Steam Excursions
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
BLURAY Take a nostalgic look back during the zenith of the Southern Railway steam program in the late 1970's and early 80's in and around Chattanooga Tennessee..6 Steam Loco's covered...
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