GF-Norfolk Southern Freight Trains BLURAY (E. end District & Atl N. District)
$36.98 $22.19 On Sale!
Brand NEW! (Disc-1) East End District - Travel with Green Frog on the Norfolk Southern line from Irondale, AL. to Austell, GA...
(Disc-2) Atlanta North District - See Heritage Units, a welded rail work train, tons of NS Freight run by’s, bridge shots, mixed freights, auto trains, double stacks and foreign power...
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-3
$34.98 $19.98 On Sale!
BRAND NEW! This program covers a variety of territory, including visits to the NS “CNO&TP” line in KY and TN - Get ready for tons of exciting action, including Amtrak, foreign power, NS heritage units and even a steam excursion!
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GF-Norfolk Southern Freight Trains DVD (E. end District & Atl N. District)
$31.98 $19.19 On Sale!
Brand NEW! (Disc-1) East End District - Travel with Green Frog on the Norfolk Southern line from Irondale, AL. to Austell, GA...
(Disc-2) Atlanta North District - See Heritage Units, a welded rail work train, tons of NS Freight run by’s, bridge shots, mixed freights, auto trains, double stacks and foreign power...
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SB-BLURAY SD: Special Duty
$37.98 $15.19 On Sale!
NEW! Camera of Sean Bodine A good view of many locomotives in EMD's long running SD lineup. Includes SD40-2's, SD50's, and others...
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DVD-CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-3
$29.98 $16.98 On Sale!
BRAND NEW! This program covers a variety of territory, including visits to the NS “CNO&TP” line in KY and TN - Get ready for tons of exciting action, including Amtrak, foreign power, NS heritage units and even a steam excursion!
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SB-DVD SD: Special Duty
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
NEW! Camera of Sean Bodine A good view of many locomotives in EMD's long running SD lineup. Includes SD40-2's, SD50's, and others...
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BLURAY-Hosey PRR - Altoona Railfest Excursions 2002
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Tim Hosey We capture heavy Norfolk Southern action around the Altoona, Pa. area during Altoona Railfest excursions in 2002...see Bennett Levin’s Pennsylvania Railroad E8’s...many NS freights with a huge variety of motive power including many still in Conrail blue, and Much More!
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the Midwest Pt-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Join Green Frog videographer Chris Wehman as we tour the Midwest -- Picking up where volume one left off, we spend time catching non-stop train action mostly on the super busy Norfolk Southern Chicago Line along with the CSX Garrett Subdivision in Indiana and Ohio...
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DVD-Hosey PRR - Altoona Railfest Excursions 2002
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Tim Hosey We capture heavy Norfolk Southern action around the Altoona, Pa. area during Altoona Railfest excursions in 2002...see Bennett Levin’s Pennsylvania Railroad E8’s...many NS freights with a huge variety of motive power including many still in Conrail blue, and Much More!
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BLURAY-Former Conrail Territory-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Sean Bodine In Volume-2 of Former Conrail Territory, we see more freight operations from Norfolk Southern, and CSX throughout New Jersey, and Pennsylvania...
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DVD CJW NS & CSX in the Midwest Pt-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Join Green Frog videographer Chris Wehman as we tour the Midwest -- Picking up where volume one left off, we spend time catching non-stop train action mostly on the super busy Norfolk Southern Chicago Line along with the CSX Garrett Subdivision in Indiana and Ohio...
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BLURAY CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Chris Wehman continues his exploration in the southern part of the vast NS and CSX rail networks to capture trains in several states. Get ready to see all types of trains with locomotives from nearly every railroad in the country!
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DVD-Former Conrail Territory-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Sean Bodine In Volume-2 of Former Conrail Territory, we see more freight operations from Norfolk Southern, and CSX throughout New Jersey, and Pennsylvania...
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BLURAY-Cincinnati Shortlines Pt-5 (Central RR Company of Indiana)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent HD Camera of Brian Sellers In part-5 of our Cincinnati Shortlines series, we’ll cover the Central Railroad Company of Indiana’s CIND & Brookville Subs...we’ll see primarily freight traffic, Passenger trains, and a trip aboard an Ohio Rail Experience excursion...
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DVD-CJW NS & CSX in the SouthEast Pt-2
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Chris Wehman continues his exploration in the southern part of the vast NS and CSX rail networks to capture trains in several states. Get ready to see all types of trains with locomotives from nearly every railroad in the country!
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1999 Muncie Hot Spot-BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Re-Mastered "HotSpot" in Muncie, Indiana during 1999 prior to and after the Conrail split between CSX & Norfolk Southern.
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DVD-Cincinnati Shortlines Pt-5 (Central RR Company of Indiana)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent HD Camera of Brian Sellers In part-5 of our Cincinnati Shortlines series, we’ll cover the Central Railroad Company of Indiana’s CIND & Brookville Subs...we’ll see primarily freight traffic, Passenger trains, and a trip aboard an Ohio Rail Experience excursion...
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1999 Muncie Hot Spot-DVD
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Re-Mastered "HotSpot" in Muncie, Indiana during 1999 prior to and after the Conrail split between CSX & Norfolk Southern.
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AA-BLURAY Norfolk & Western Pocahontas Div. (Welch by N&W)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release From AMERICAN ALTAVISTA This production covers the Double Tracked Mainline from Bluefield to Iaeger - Pocahontas Division, Norfolk Southern Railway Co.
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AA-DVD Coal Story (Clinchfield CSX Hotshots)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista The story of coal on the Clinchfield begins deep in the coal fields..Ride along with us to the mines, load cars, switch a tipple, and take 90 loads of coal to market..Coal details, maps, branch data, switching, cab rides and rail coal operations galore!
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BLURAY Amtrak CabRide Volume-2 (2 Disc Set)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
This over 5.5 hour long 2-Disc Set will take you on a cab-ride aboard an Amtrak locomotive from Harrisburg PA. to Pittsburgh -- dispatcher, automated hot box and dragging equipment detectors and more...
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BLURAY Black5-24 Hours in Kirkwood, Missouri
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
BLURAY From the HD camera of Jim Tiroch, we spend 24 hours at Kirkwood, Missouri... PLUS Bonus Features: Piston Blow & Kirkwood, In 1990
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BLURAY Blue Ridge Scenic Railway
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Runby's, Cabrides in a GP-18, Mountain Rivers and beautiful wild Mountain Scenery...
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BLURAY Branchlines & Coal Mines (NS Buchanan Branch)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
The busiest N&W branchline on the Pocahontas Division, Norfolk Southern's Buchanan Branch - Two years in the making, this program was filmed in all four seasons and all varieties of weather. See plenty of coal and coke trains, work trains, light power moves and much more...
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BLURAY Brian Sellers-Across SW BNSF's Southern Transcon
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
HD Camera of Brian Sellers
Our Journey across the southwest will cover a distance of more than 300 miles through some of the most beautiful but desolate landscape in BNSF's Western region...
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BLURAY Canrail-CN&CP Southern Ontario Vol1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!

HD Camera of Rob McCormack
Action in Burlington, Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Ayr and Woodstock, Ontario to name a few. We also take a brief look at the Ontario Southland Railway...
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BLURAY Canrail-CN&CP Southern Ontario Vol2 WINTER
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Rob McCormack braved the cold winter months to bring you more exciting Canadian railroad action. We visit popular locations, such as Burlington West and Hamilton's Bayview Jct. for CN, VIA and GO Transit and more...
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BLURAY Canrail-CN's Dundas Subdivision Pt1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
2-Disc Set (3 Hours)
CN’s Dundas Sub. runs between Bayview Junction, near the city of Hamilton, ON., and London, Ontario...See rare combo’s like C40-8M’s, VIA Trains, Some foreign power in Canada, Switching operations and much more...
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BLURAY Cincinnati Triple Track
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Camera of Terry Lewis Winton Place & The Norfolk Southern First District-1994 "Tons of varied trains & runbys"
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BLURAY CJW CSX & NS (Virginia & W. Virginia)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Exciting 110 minute program in Virginia and West Virginia - variety of action from both NS and CSX, along with Amtrak, MARC, and VRE...
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Modern Standard Gauge Videos and CD's!