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AA-BLURAY Coal Story (Clinchfield CSX Hotshots)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista The story of coal on the Clinchfield begins deep in the coal fields..Ride along with us to the mines, load cars, switch a tipple, and take 90 loads of coal to market..Coal details, maps, branch data, switching, cab rides and rail coal operations galore!
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Passenger Trains ODYSSEY (1990's) Jenko BLURAY
$37.98 $15.19 On Sale!
Recent Release! Collection of Dennis Jenko - TWO DISC SET Classic Passenger Trains action from the early 1990’s -- See business trains, inspection trains, dinner trains, commuter trains, and excursion trains from the Midwest to the Southwest in glorious 1990’s action...
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BLURAY HA-Norfolk Southern 6920 - 911 and more
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Honoring Our Veterans with #6920, Plus #911 Honoring Our First Responders - Tons of great Action, Runbys & Pacing on this program shot in HD - we follow NS 8098 on the UP's MBNAS, NS 8099 on the 255 Roadrailer, NS 911 on the 255 Roadrailer and much More...
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BLURAY-LIRR Montauk Branch-Sunrise Trail 1997
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Tim Hosey We observe awesome Summer action in 1997 on the LIRR Montauk Branch at various locations, including West Islip, Brightwaters, Islip, Great River, Oakdale, and Sayville -- GP38-2’s, FA units, MP15, and F units...
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BLURAY-Fallen Flags In The 90s-Volume-9
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
NEW Release The 1990’s saw multiple changes in railroad operations. See an SP Construction Services fiber-optic train, DT&I Bi-Centennial loco. See Motive power from Grand Trunk, Conrail, CSX, NS, and cameo appearances from Santa Fe, SP, Union Pacific, DM&E and Wisconsin Central...
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Santa Fe Odyssey-5 the 1990s Jenko-BLURAY
$37.98 $15.19 On Sale!
Recent Release!
(Two Disc Set) 204 minutes! Collection of Dennis Jenko In this second of three new volumes of the popular Santa Fe Odyssey series, join Dennis as he follows the line relocation and construction of the new Willow Springs yard. Enjoy main line action at some Emery Gulash locations and some Dennis spots too, like Verona, Coal City, Streator, Edelstein, Chillicothe, Clovis, Fort Sumner, Vaughn and many more...
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BLURAY CJW The Best of NS Vol-3
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Some of the best of Norfolk Southern from Chris Wheman...Get ready for more exciting footage in Volume Three of this "Best of NS" series!
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Chicago Odyssey Volume-3 (1990s) Jenko-BLURAY
$37.98 $14.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Collection of Dennis Jenko - TWO DISC SET Classic fallen flag Chicagoland train action from the early 1990’s -- Watch mainline action at Blue Island, Lockport, Savanna, Rochelle, Oregon, Bristol, Joliet, Lisle, West Chicago, Wheaton, Bryn Mayr, Itasca, Willow Springs, Naperville and many others...
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BLURAY CJW The best of CSX Vol-3
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Exciting, varied and fast-paced Mega Action - This is Volume-3 of some of the best of CSX from Chris Wehman...Let's take a look at More of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.
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Southern Pacific SouthWest Odyssey (1990s) Jenko-BLURAY
$37.98 $15.19 On Sale!
Recent Release! Collection of Dennis Jenko TWO DISC SET Semaphores and Summits, Cuts and Curves… the Southern Pacific Sunset route from Deming NM. to Red Rock AZ. Great classic Southern Pacific action from the early 1990’s on this three hour, two disc set!...
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AA-BLURAY CAB RIDE South-Clinchfield (Erwin to Spartanburg)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista Take a front seat ride and enjoy an engineer's-eye view of the last four decades along the old Clinchfield Railroad. Ride along includes graphic identity of significant points, video maps of yards and interchange tracks, and a running commentary by train crews and railroad managers...
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Santa Fe Odyssey-4 the 1990s Jenko-BLURAY
$34.98 $15.19 On Sale!
Recent Release! Collection of Dennis Jenko First of a new series of Santa Fe Odyssey from the early 1990's, join Dennis as he railfans many of Emery Gulash’s favorite locations, and those of his own too. Watch main line action at Willow Springs, Burr Ridge, Romeoville, and Joliet. Also a trip to Arizona to photograph trains around Flagstaff and Canyon Diablo...
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BLURAY-Steam/Electrics/Diesel Pennsy Dutch
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Camera of Tim Hosey In this epic almost 3 hour video you will see diverse railroad operations in this picturesque area of Pennsylvania. Everything from big steam, little steam, electric and diesel Amtrak trains, short line and NS mainline freights. Shot in September/October of 2019...
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BLURAY CJW The Best of NS Vol-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
A ton of exciting, varied and fast-paced action, hi-lighting some of the best of Norfolk Southern...Get ready for more exciting footage in Volume Two of this "Best of NS" series!
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SB-BLURAY Celebrating 50 Years of Amtrak
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Sean Bodine Amtrak has come a long way since its creation on May 1, 1971. Between May 2018, and November 2020, Sean Bodine traveled to a variety of locations to view what Amtrak had to offer...
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BLURAY Dayton Ohio RR's 50s to 70s
$34.98 $22.74 On Sale!
Green Frog Productions, Ltd., Neff Video, and David P. Oroszi bring you an action packed film of Dayton Ohio Railroads filmed from the 1950’s through the 1970’s. Program contains exciting Rail action including Steam, 1st generation Diesels and more. Onboard & In-Cab footage, Switching, Runbys, Yard action and Much More!
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BLURAY NS Through the Coalfields
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Chase Freeman takes us deep into the hollers of coal country to explore Norfolk Southern's busy lines in Southern West Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, and Eastern Kentucky...
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BLURAY CJW The best of CSX Vol-2
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Exciting, varied and fast-paced Mega Action - This is Volume-2 of some of the best of CSX from Chris Wheman...Let's take a look at More of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.
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GF-Norfolk Southern Freight Trains 2020 Vol-1 BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
In this first volume of a new Green Frog Productions series on NS Freight Trains, we’ll start out in Mableton Georgia, See Rare Heritage Units, Awesome Rail Action with Tons of great action shots from 4K video and Dynamic 5.1 Surround Sound...
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BLURAY HA-Illinois Railnet Railway
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Illinois Railnet's Ottawa to Streator Branch - Illinois Railway SD-50’s - The NKCR #3 and IR #5 CF-7’s - Also see a few BNSF trains. Action packed program from the camera of Harold Holmes!
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BLURAY HA-Central ILL Railfanning 2019-2020
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Action packed with trains along the Union Pacific's Alton Route and on the BNSF's Chillicothe Sub and more--Amtrak, BNSF, NS, TP&W, CN, ILL Terminal Belt, Heritage units...
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BLURAY-Conrail Fast Freights Central NY 1996
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Tim Hosey Witness fast Conrail action on the old New York Central Water Level Route in central New York in 1996...see manifest, autorack, and unit trains as they speed past on this table flat mainline...
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BLURAY Fallen Flags of the NE-1960s
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! For three decades in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Paul Blake shot copious movie films of railroading, mostly in the Northeast.
Railroads Featured: New Haven Railroad, New York Central, Pennsylvania RR, Boston & Maine, Central Vermont, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk Western, Erie Lackawanna…
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AA-BLURAY Former Clinchfield-South End (Erwin to Spartanburg)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN ALTAVISTA Follow the Clinchfield Route in 1991 and travel from Erwin, Tennessee to Spartanburg. Classic Diesel Locos, Coal trains, Switching, Mountain railroading, Bridges, Tunnels, Engine facilities, Cab rides, Runbys and great stories from producer Bob Loehne...
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BLURAY-Former Conrail Territory-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Camera of Sean Bodine Volume-1 of a new trilogy - operations on Norfolk Southern's Lehigh Line in several parts of New Jersey - Bethlehem, Abrams Yard, ride Amtrak's Pennsylvanian, see a couple NS heritage units, switching operations and more...
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BLURAY-Conrail in Pennsylvania 1995
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! Camera of Tim Hosey Witness a dynamic Fallen Flag, Conrail, captured in 1995 at various locations on the Harrisburg Line and the Pittsburgh Line - also a brief visit to the East Broad Top - bonus action at Oakdale, NY on the Long Island Railroad...
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GF-Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020 Vol-5 BLURAY
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
In Volume-5 of Focus on Norfolk Southern 2020…We mainly focus on trains in Austell Georgia, including Norfolk Southern, KCS, UP, BNSF, and Amtrak Crescent #19 & 20...we also cross paths with a few heritage Locos. Filmed with 4K HDR & HD, with Ultra High sound quality using Pro Mics...
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BLURAY CJW The Best of NS Vol-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
A ton of exciting, varied and fast-paced action, hi-lighting some of the best of Norfolk Southern...Let's take a look at some of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.
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BLURAY CJW The Best of CSX Vol-1
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
A ton of exciting, varied and fast-paced action, hi-lighting some of the best of CSX...Let's take a look at some of our favorite locations and scenes from the past 10 years.
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BLURAY Santa's Challenger
from Greg Scholl Video Productions Enjoy the largest active steam locomotive in the world as it powers the annual CSX Santa Claus train from Shelby Kentucky, to Kingsport Tennessee. The date was November 21, 1992...
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To save time you can type in the search box either a product name or product number! Green Frog Productions, the leader in high quality railroad video productions and entertainment, brings you programs in incredible High-Definition Video. We offer the Blu Ray format on BD-R Discs....
Blu-Ray on BD-R Discs are compatible and compliant with most HD players on the market, including Sony PlayStation. If you have problems with playback of any of our DVD-R or BD-R Discs, please check for Firmware upgrades with your Disc player Manufacturer!