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Also Available on BLURAY format 

Harold Holmes

The Bloomer Shippers Connecting Railroad Co. (aka The Bloomer Line) operates two connected lines in central Illinois. The first one is from Colfax to Kempton, IL, and the second is from Strawn to Gibson City, IL. Traffic is primarily grain, fertilizer, plastics, and lumber. They are headquartered in Gibson City. The railroad connects with the TP&W at Chatsworth, ILL. and the Norfolk Southern at Gibson City.

This former Illinois Central line was originally built by the Kankakee & Southwestern Railroad in 1878 and eventually became the Illinois Central's Bloomington District. In 1985, faced with abandonment of the line, shippers formed the Bloomer Shippers Railway Redevelopment League and purchased a segment of the line from Barnes to Herscher, IL. Railroad operations began in June of that year on 36 miles of track between Colfax and Kempton, ILL.

In 1990, the N&W was looking to divest itself of less profitable lines in Illinois. The Bloomer, in May of that year, acquired a segment of the former Wabash's Chicago-Decatur route between Strawn and Gibson City, ILL.

This video was shot around 2014, and we first catch up with Bloomer Line 7504 & 7591 just south of Risk, ILL. and follow the train to Gibson City, ILL. Arriving back in Gibson City the Bloomer Line added the 7549 (ex- NYC) High hood to the train. They waited for the LTEX 3801 & LTEX 3802 to arrive with their train from Cullom, ILL. to combine the 2 trains and deliver the train to the Canadian National in Gibson City.

We will then follow the 7549 leading the train out of Anchor ILL. pull the train to Risk, and run around its train at Strawn. We also follow the 7549 leading a Potash train to Colfax, ILL.

Bonus Footage—Plow Extra Snow Plow Footage, end of Disc-2
Special (2-Disc Set) 166 Minutes
Disc1 - 89 minutes — Disc2 - 77 minutes
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Chapter Menus
Descriptive Graphic Titles


Harold Holmes
P.O. Box 124
Hudson, IL 61748
Email: hthvp@yahoo.com


Note: This DVD has been down-converted from our High Definition Video Master, and formatted for both Wide-screen and 4x3 TVs -- This DVD will properly play on Wide-screen televisions as 16x9 and on 4x3 televisions as pan & scan 4x3!


(DVD-R or +R Disc format)


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