| Cab Ride Videos
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BLURAY HO-Arkansas & Missouri RR Cab Ride
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent... Take a Cab Ride on The Arkansas & Missouri Railroad - based in Springdale Arkansas, it is technically a Class III short line railroad, it largely operates as a Class I system with welded rail...
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Neff BLURAY Conrail Mail-3 (Extended)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! This Remastered 2-Disc Set is an extended version of Cab Ride Mail-3. The program begins at South Kearny, NJ and ends at Harrisburg Yard. This program was made in cooperation with Consolidated Rail Corporation and was created in early 1998...
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DVD HO-Arkansas & Missouri RR Cab Ride
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent... Take a Cab Ride on The Arkansas & Missouri Railroad - based in Springdale Arkansas, it is technically a Class III short line railroad, it largely operates as a Class I system with welded rail...
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Neff DVD Conrail Mail-3 (Extended)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! This Remastered 2-Disc Set is an extended version of Cab Ride Mail-3. The program begins at South Kearny, NJ and ends at Harrisburg Yard. This program was made in cooperation with Consolidated Rail Corporation and was created in early 1998...
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AA-DVD Coal Story (Clinchfield CSX Hotshots)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista The story of coal on the Clinchfield begins deep in the coal fields..Ride along with us to the mines, load cars, switch a tipple, and take 90 loads of coal to market..Coal details, maps, branch data, switching, cab rides and rail coal operations galore!
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AA-BLURAY CAB RIDE South-Clinchfield (Erwin to Spartanburg)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista Take a front seat ride and enjoy an engineer's-eye view of the last four decades along the old Clinchfield Railroad. Ride along includes graphic identity of significant points, video maps of yards and interchange tracks, and a running commentary by train crews and railroad managers...
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AA-BLURAY Former Clinchfield-North End (Elkhorn City to Erwin)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
NEW! From AMERICAN ALTAVISTA Follow the old Clinchfield line and travel from Elkhorn City, Kentucky - to Erwin, Tennessee. Coal trains, Coal facilities & operations, Switching operations, Mountain railroading, Bridges, Tunnels, Engine facilities, Cab rides, Runbys...
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AA-BLURAY Former Clinchfield-South End (Erwin to Spartanburg)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN ALTAVISTA Follow the Clinchfield Route in 1991 and travel from Erwin, Tennessee to Spartanburg. Classic Diesel Locos, Coal trains, Switching, Mountain railroading, Bridges, Tunnels, Engine facilities, Cab rides, Runbys and great stories from producer Bob Loehne...
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AA-DVD CAB RIDE South-Clinchfield (Erwin to Spartanburg)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN AltaVista Take a front seat ride and enjoy an engineer's-eye view of the last four decades along the old Clinchfield Railroad. Ride along includes graphic identity of significant points, video maps of yards and interchange tracks, and a running commentary by train crews and railroad managers...
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AA-DVD Former Clinchfield-North End (Elkhorn City to Erwin)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
NEW! From AMERICAN ALTAVISTA Follow the old Clinchfield line and travel from Elkhorn City, Kentucky - to Erwin, Tennessee. Coal trains, Coal facilities & operations, Switching operations, Mountain railroading, Bridges, Tunnels, Engine facilities, Cab rides, Runbys...
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AA-DVD Former Clinchfield-South End (Erwin to Spartanburg)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! From AMERICAN ALTAVISTA Follow the Clinchfield Route in 1991 and travel from Erwin, Tennessee to Spartanburg. Classic Diesel Locos, Coal trains, Switching, Mountain railroading, Bridges, Tunnels, Engine facilities, Cab rides, Runbys and great stories from producer Bob Loehne...
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AA-Great Smoky Mountains Railroad
$29.98 $19.49 On Sale!
From AMERICAN ALTAVISTA THEY HAVE DONE THIS JUST ONE TIME - The Great Smoky Mountains Railroad ran their Steam Engine #1702 the full length of this 67 Mile, super scenic, N.C. Short line, the old SRy Murphy Branch...Trackside footage, Cab Rides, Tender top views...
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BLURAY 70s Railroading (Cincinnati-Hamilton)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
1970s S8mm Film of Robert Federle - Featuring B&O / Chessie System, Penn Central, early Conrail and others -- Action at rail yards, such as Pit Yard-Armco, WR Tower-Storrs and Gest St. Yards - Bonus Videos and Slideshow...
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BLURAY Amtrak CabRide Volume-2 (2 Disc Set)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
This over 5.5 hour long 2-Disc Set will take you on a cab-ride aboard an Amtrak locomotive from Harrisburg PA. to Pittsburgh -- dispatcher, automated hot box and dragging equipment detectors and more...
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BluRay Neff GT Cab Ride-Springfield to Cincinnati (Extended Version)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Climb aboard Grand Trunk train #216 (an all trailer-van train) powered by an ex-Rock Island GP38-2 for a cab ride from Springfield, Ohio (Maitland) to Cincinnati (CSX Queensgate Yard)...
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● Videos on this page are available on DVD format, using the DVD-R or DVD+R Disc formats. ● BLURAY High Definition will also be available using BD-R Disc format.