BMRR Building Structures-DVD
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Shows a variety of steps and techniques using BH Models and Walthers Corner Stone series of kits.
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BMRR Designing-DVD video 70001dvd
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Shows how the Green Frog staff took Jim Hediger's drawing and made a working plan using Cadrail design program for the construction of the layout, and more...
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BMRR Laying Track-DVD video 70004dvd
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Covers many techniques for laying Atlas Code 83 flex track and turnouts for smooth operation.
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BMRR Operating-DVD video 70010dvd
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Shows operating possibilities as we discuss how the prototype railroads would do it, and how it pertains to Models.
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BMRR Rolling Stock-DVD video 70007dvd
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Many of the steps for building different types of cars are shown.
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BMRR Scenery-DVD video 70008dvd
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Shows you how to easily create scenes that will make your layout come alive.
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BMRR Wiring Command Control-DVD video 70005dvd
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Intro to command control and its primary differences with the basic transformer. A. J. Ireland of Digitrax makes it simple with easy to follow steps, Much More...
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Brian Sellers DVD-Across SW BNSF's Southern Transcon
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
HD Camera of Brian Sellers
Our Journey across the southwest will cover a distance of more than 300 miles through some of the most beautiful but desolate landscape in BNSF's Western region...
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Canrail-DVD CN&CP Southern Ontario Vol1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!

HD Camera of Rob McCormack
Action in Burlington, Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Ayr and Woodstock, Ontario to name a few. We also take a brief look at the Ontario Southland Railway...
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Canrail-DVD CN&CP Southern Ontario Vol2 WINTER
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Rob McCormack braved the cold winter months to bring you more exciting Canadian railroad action. We visit popular locations, such as Burlington West and Hamilton's Bayview Jct. for CN, VIA and GO Transit and more...
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Canrail-DVD CN's Dundas Subdivision Pt1
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
2-Disc Set (3 Hours)
CN’s Dundas Sub. runs between Bayview Junction, near the city of Hamilton, ON., and London, Ontario...See rare combo’s like C40-8M’s, VIA Trains, Some foreign power in Canada, Switching operations and much more...
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CJW DVD-CN Across The Border
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
HD Camera of Chris Wehman
Join videographer Chris Wehman as we view various locations of this CN mainline on both sides of the border -- Amtrak, NS, CSX, VIA, and Canadian Pacific...
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CJW DVD-Western Railroad Review (BNSF, UP, and KCS in Middle America)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
HD Camera of Chris Wehman
Join videographer Chris Wehman as we journey throughout middle America in search of western railroading action...
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CJW-DVD BNSF (Chillicothe Sub Pt1)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
HD Camera of Chris Wehman
Part-1 of an exciting, two-part look at BNSF Railway's Chillicothe Sub. Running from Chicago, ILL. to Fort Madison, IA. See trains from BNSF, UP, and NS.
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CJW-DVD BNSF (Chillicothe Sub Pt2)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release
HD Camera of Chris Wehman
Part-2 Heading west out of the line's namesake town of Chillicothe, ILL, visit Houlihan's curve, catch trains struggling up Edelstein Hill, high-speed running toward Galesburg, crew change point in Fort Madison, IA. and more...
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CJW-DVD Eastern Class One Part2 - CSX & NS Northwestern OH.
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
HD Camera's of Chris Wehman Tour northwestern Ohio. In this program, trains primarily on CSX along the former B&O mainline in Northwestern Ohio. We'll also catch some NS trains on their lines in the area...
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CJW-DVD Eastern Class One Review - NS & CSX in ILL. & IN.
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
HD Camera's of Chris Wehman
Norfolk Southern and CSX are the "big two" eastern railroads in the United States. Join videographer Chris Wehman for this multi-part series covering action from these two railroads across Illinois & Indiana...
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CSX Indianapolis Line Vol-2 DVD (Sidney OH. to Union City IN.)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
4K HD Camera's of Steve Neff & Jay Byrd
See a great mix of CSX motive power, Kansas City Southern power in the Gray scheme and the popular Southern Belle paint. Intermodal, ballast, iron ore, automotive, grain and general freight are seen, Fantastic Aerial Photography and more...
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DVD -70s 80s Steam celebration
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Climb aboard for a steam-action return to the 1970's and early 1980's when steam excursion trains thundered and whistled over the Southern Railway--Super-8 color and magnetic sound-on-film photography of Terry Foshee...
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DVD 4501 (Remastered from HD)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Vintage action of No. 4501 pulling excursion trains through the heart of the south, as well as from Pittsburgh to Washington to Richmond... Remastered from HD
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DVD BNSF (Tracks of the Old SF vol1)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
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DVD BNSF (Tracks of the Old SF vol2)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
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DVD BNSF (Tracks of the Old SF vol3)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
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DVD BNSF (Tracks of the Old SF vol4-Raton Line)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
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DVD BNSF (Tracks of the Old SF vol5-Cajon Pass)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Green Frogs professional photographer Rich Scheid takes us to the world famous Cajon Pass.....
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DVD California Zephyr (The Ultimate Fantrip)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Complete trip on the California Zephyr! Filmed in 1965, when the CZ was at it's ultimate... Remastered from HD!
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DVD Canrail-CN CP TH&B 50s-70s
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Re-live what rail-fanning was all about 45 to 65 years ago-exciting late Canadian steam and 1st generation diesel action during the 50s-70s...
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DVD Cincinnati Triple Track
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Camera of Terry Lewis Winton Place & The Norfolk Southern First District-1994 "Tons of varied trains & runbys"
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DVD Colorado Steam Mecca
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
A classic, action filled DVD chronicling Colorado's narrow gauge steam....
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DVD CSX-UP Joint Lines ILL
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Cameras of Steve Neff & Terry Lewis
Two Part program - Part One in 2017 deals with the CSX/UP Joint line between Beecher and Woodland Jct. ILL., then the CSX/UP Joint Line between Altamont and St. Elmo Illinois -- The second part of this program was captured in 1993 by Terry Lewis, with many trains at St. Elmo, and then Woodland Jct.
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Here is a list of all DVD's from Green Frog!